
Arachnia PendantPhoto by Greg Caparell

Arachnia Pendant

Photo by Greg Caparell

This collection was inspired by the human microbiome, or the bacteria present within the human body that are critical to our survival. I focused primarily on the bacteria endogenous to the human gut that play an important role in our ability to digest food and process its nutrients. Each piece is named for the organism from which I took inspiration in its design.

All pieces are hand-carved in wax and cast in silver.

A Body Story

Ingest SeriesPhoto by Harry Gould Harvey

Ingest Series

Photo by Harry Gould Harvey

For my senior thesis collection at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) I investigated systems of the human body both in well and ill states. To wear one’s insides as adornment is to embrace physical evidence of one’s own humanity. The physical weight of each piece on the body acts as a reminder to the wearer to be mindful of all of the processes these organ systems are carrying out every moment beneath their skin.

My translation of the physical forms creates a sense of wonder, encouraging viewers to ask questions about their source as well as about where these forms take root in their own bodies. In exposing these systems, both in a state of health and in breakdown, I hope to encourage both the wearer and the viewer to think about where these beautiful forms originate in their own bodies, and be more aware of their internal systems. My work encourages viewers and wearers to take notice of the fragile beauty within their bodies.

Small Worlds

Dinoflagellate NeckpiecePhoto by Guy Nichols

Dinoflagellate Neckpiece

Photo by Guy Nichols

This work spans 2010-2012, and expresses my interest in the hidden realms revealed only through the lens of a microscope.